A Guide To Organizational Culture For Modern Businesses

The culture of an organization is its unique personality and it has a considerable impact on the morale of its employees and eventually, the success of the company itself.

Without a strong culture, organizations find it very difficult to help their employees realize their full potential.

While every company will have different elements and set of values that make up their culture, but the fact remains that robust company culture is critical for the well-being and success of the company.

This is made evident by the fact that 47% of job seekers surveyed mention company culture as their primary reason for looking for another job.

So if a business is unsuccessful at creating an ethical culture in the workplace, not only are they risking the wellbeing of their current workforce but also turning candidates away.

But what really is organizational culture, let’s find out!

What Is Organizational Culture?

Organizational culture is the set of values, attitudes, and goals that form the identity of an organization. It is communicated by both formal and informal business leaders who dictate how teams operate in the workplace.

Every organization has different goals, values and distinctive individuals; therefore, no two companies will have the same culture. Furthermore, an organization’s culture is not just created and implemented but it is built with time by the top leadership’s decisions and behavior towards the employees.

How To Build A Powerful Organizational Culture?

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The leaders must take the first step in forming a quality culture across the organization – managers, directors, team leads and even thought leaders should be identified and given the responsibility to implement the tenets of a company’s mission and vision.

The importance of the right leader can be understood by the fact that 58% of employees are willing to stay at a lower-paying job as long as they get to work with a fantastic boss.

They should reward employees who communicate the culture to others in the organization. This empowers everyone to understand and appreciate the importance of the beliefs and ethos that drive the business.

The fact of the matter is that employee cooperation is imperative to implement a company-wide culture – 91% of managers in the United States agree that it is more important to hire a candidate whose views align with the company culture than it is to find someone with stellar skills and experience.

Additionally, the culture of your company must match your business and reflect on the work that you do. It has to be powerful, energetic and flexible enough to allow the employees to grow and realize their full potential.

Importance Of Organizational Culture For Employees And The Company

Companies with a productive organizational culture have 72% more employee engagement than organizations with weak cultures. This proves that it can help improve motivation and engagement, helping employees feel connected to their work and organization.

Moreover, positive company culture fosters inclusivity, which can massively decrease the company’s turnover rate. 65% of employees say that their company’s culture is the major factor when deciding to stay at their job. To avoid losing out on top candidates, the company should prioritize the creation and promotion of a healthy work culture that communicates its sharp image.


The most potent organizational cultures require a lot of time and reflection on the company’s core values but it is worth the hassle. Sticking to your company ethos and developing an expansive philosophy to work by, will attract top talent for the jobs and drive the company to success.

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