How to Receive Your New Employee on Their First Day in the Company

Knowing how to do a job is certainly important. But approaching it on the very first day in the company with the right perspective and mindset (in short, understanding why he is there) will greatly improve the new person´s capability to adjust swiftly to his/her new function in the company and develop a sense of purpose in his job. So, we always advise our clients to hold a kick-off meeting with a newly hired employee to clarify expectations and the role expected from the new person on board.

Four aspects should be addressed in this first meeting:

  1. Describe how the employee’s work creates value.

    No matter what your business is, one or two things really drive results. Maybe quality. Maybe service. Maybe be the low-cost provider. Maybe the personal connection you make with each individual customer or the genuine sense of community. Other aspects are important, but for every business, one or two are absolutely decisive. Then go further. Explain how the employee’s work directly creates value. Explain how the employee’s work directly helps the company create and maintain a competitive advantage. Establish a clear and direct connection between the employee’s efforts and the company’s main purpose. Think of it this way: everyone tells new employees what to do. But relatively few take the time to explain why. Although the why sets the stage for everything else.

  2. Diagram the employee’s internal and external customers.

    No job exists in a vacuum. Understanding the needs of each constituent helps define not only the work but also how it should be done. And, again, why it’s important. So, take the time to explain how the employee will create value for the company while serving all of your internal and external customers. Striking that balance is often tricky, so don’t assume that new employees will eventually figure it out on their own. Actually, they shouldn’t have to figure it out on their own. In the process, you will help the employee begin to build a social network.

  3. Set short-term goals and set the stage for a feedback loop.

    In the beginning, the shorter the term, the better. That way, the employee can begin to generate a sense of momentum. That way, they will feel like they have started working. That way, they can tangibly see how their work creates value and how their work impacts internal and external customers. And that way you can start giving constructive feedback right away. Which gives those monthly onboarding check-ins a better sense of purpose than, “So, how are things going so far?

  4. Summarize why the person was hired.

    Each employee is hired for one or two specific reasons, but often those reasons get lost in the interview process nonsense of “we’re looking for the best person for the job.”

Take the time to tell new employees why they were hired. Not just to play a role. Not just to satisfy a need. But because of the specific skills, experience, attitude and work ethic that that person brings to the team. And look forward to how much of a difference those skills and attributes will make. By doing that, you are implicitly connecting the dots between the individual, his work, and how that work creates value. By doing that you are implicitly connecting the dots between internal and external customers, and recognizing and praising your new employee. On the first day.

What better way to start a new job?

Article written by Carlos Cámara, CFR Global Executive Search Spain
Photo source: Pexels

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