Not satisfied with your current work position?

Are you stressed out about work all the time? Facing problems with your colleagues? Worried that your professional and personal goals will never align?

If you relate with any of these questions, you are not alone. According to Gallup, only 13% of employees are actively engaged at work.

Unhappiness at work is a widespread problem and we’ve all lived through it at one point or another in our jobs. These feelings of discontent and despondency make us less productive, less healthy and overall, very miserable about life.

So if so many people are unhappy about their jobs, why aren’t they doing something about it?

Well, for starters many of us don’t understand why we are unhappy – we have a seemingly good job that pays relatively well – that’s more than what most people have. So we think it’s illogical to feel sad and hope that the negative feelings will go away on their own.

Another problems is that many of us don’t know what to do – we know what the issue is, but see no way to fix it.

What Can You Do To Improve Your Situation?

Source: Pixabay

Employees can feel stifled and frustrated at the workplace for a number of reasons, but there’s always a way out as long as we are willing to pursue change work on our issues. Here are few ways to overcome unhappiness:


If you’re having problems with a member of your team, talk things through with them first. If that doesn’t work, get HR involved so they know how to deal with a rude or underperforming employee.

If it’s your boss, you can always go to HR with your concerns or talk to their superior to get matters resolved.

Have Clear Expectations

Setting unrealistic expectations about your workplace can affect your life negatively. Have an honest and open discussion with your boss regarding expectations (and workload) if you feel that they’re too high.

If you still feel stressed and overworked after trying to resolve the problems you’re facing, maybe it’s time to move on to another job.

Take A Break

Let yourself off the hook once in a while – doing this might really change the way you feel about your job and the people there. Add some breaks into your schedule so you aren’t deskbound for 8 or 9 hours at a time every day. Step out of the office for lunch twice a week or talk a walk around the building mid-morning.

You’ll be amazed at how these small breaks can help re-focus and re-energize you.

If All Else Fails: The Exit Strategy


Source: Pixabay

Remember, no job is worth your perpetual unhappiness. If you are truly discontent at work, there is no reason to allow it to continue.

When you decide to call it quits, email your boss to set up a meeting so you can leave on good terms. Don’t put your resignation directly in the email.

Be prepared to get a counter offer if your performance has been great, rehearse your reasons for leaving with a non-work friend or a family member so you’re prepared for that meeting.

In the meanwhile, reach out to your professional network on LinkedIn to look for a job discreetly. Call them up or drop them a direct message (not using company internet) that you’re in the market for work.

Don’t wait until someone else points out that you’re unhappy with your job. Don’t look for constant validation from family and friends about your reasons for quitting. You know the answer; you just have to make the call.

Consider getting advice from HR experts who can help you find work that is rewarding enough to make up for those unpleasant experiences.

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